PrimaVera Demonstrators
- Infrastructure Demonstrator – PrimaVera is developing a web app that showcases research applications in diagnostics, prognostics, and maintenance policy optimization and logistics. The work-in-progress web application can be visited via the link above.
2025 |
62. | Thom Badings: Robust Verification of Stochastic Systems. 2025, ISSN: 2950-2772. (Type: PhD Thesis | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Markov Decision Process, Stochastic Systems, Verification)@phdthesis{Badings2025, Verifying that systems are safe and reliable is crucial in today’s world. For example, we want to prove that an autonomous drone will safely reach its target, or that a manufacturing system will not break down. Classical algorithms for verifying such properties often rely on a precise mathematical model of the system, for example, in the form of a Markov chain or a Markov decision process (MDP). Such Markov models are probabilistic transition systems and are ubiquitous in many areas, including control theory, artificial intelligence (AI), formal methods, and operations research. However, as systems become increasingly complex with more cyber-physical and AI components, uncertainty about the system’s behavior is inevitable. As a result, transition probabilities in Markov models are subject to uncertainty, rendering many existing analysis algorithms inapplicable. In this thesis, we fill this gap by developing novel verification methods for Markov models in the presence of uncertainty. To capture this uncertainty, we use parametric Markov models, where probabilities are described as functions over parameters. We study two perspectives on rendering verification methods robust against uncertainty: (1) set-bounded uncertainty, where only the set of possible parameter values is known and one can be robust in a worst-case sense, and (2) stochastic uncertainty, where the parameter values are described by a probability distribution and one can be robust in a probabilistic sense. By combining techniques from formal methods, AI, and control theory, our contributions span the following general problem settings: 1. We develop robust abstraction techniques for solving control problems for Markov models with continuous state and action spaces, and with set-bounded uncertain parameters. Based on the notion of probabilistic simulation relations, we show that such continuous control problems can be solved by only analyzing a finite-state abstraction, formalized as an MDP with sets of transition probabilities. 2. We present novel and scalable verification techniques for parametric Markov models with a prior distribution over the parameters. Our approaches are sampling-based, do not require any assumptions on the parameter distribution, and provide probably approximately correct (PAC) guarantees on the verification results. 3. We show that parametric models can be used to improve the sample efficiency of data-driven learning methods. We leverage tools from convex optimization to perform a sensitivity analysis, where we measure sensitivity in terms of partial derivatives of the polynomial function that describes a measure of interest. 4. We study continuous-time Markov chains where the initial state must be inferred from a set of (possibly uncertain) state observations. This setting is particularly relevant in runtime monitoring. We compute upper and lower bounds on reachability probabilities, conditioned on these observations. Our approach is based on a robust abstraction into an MDP with intervals of transition probabilities. In conclusion, we develop verification methods that reason over uncertainty without sacrificing guarantees. While dealing with uncertainty can be computationally expensive, providing such guarantees is crucial for designing safe and reliable systems with cyber-physical and AI components. The aim of this thesis is to contribute to a better understanding of dealing with uncertainty in stochastic verification problems. |
61. | Lisandro Arturo Jimenez-Roa: Reliability and Maintenance for Engineering Systems: Fault Trees, Degradation Modelling and Maintenance Optimisation. 2025, ISBN: 978-90-365-6407-6. (Type: PhD Thesis | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Deep Reinforcement Learning, Degradation Modelling, Fault tree analysis, Maintenance optimization, Prognostics and Health Management)@phdthesis{Jimenez-Roa2025, Modern infrastructures, machines, and manufacturing processes require effective management through sustainable policies under constrained resources, where deter- mining when and how to intervene becomes crucial. The Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) paradigm provides a systematic framework for leveraging data collection and computational models, supporting the management of virtually any engineering component or system. This dissertation delves into three key aspects of PHM: Reliability Modelling, Markov Process-based Prognostics, and Maintenance Optimisation. Data-driven techniques are crucial in these areas, enhancing the automation of model development and deployment. Part I centres on Reliability Modelling, specifically the automatic inference of Fault Tree (FT) models. Traditionally, graph-based models like FTs are manually constructed through iterative collaboration between system experts and FT modellers. However, this manual approach is prone to human error and may result in incomplete models. With the increasing availability of data, methodologies that attempt to automate this process, discover patterns and reduce dependency on manual intervention have gained significant relevance. Thus, in Part I of this dissertation, we focus on how to obtain efficient and compact Fault Tree models from failure datasets in a robust and scalable manner. For this matter, we propose, for the first time, using Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs) to automatically infer FT models and cast the optimisation as a multi-objective task. This resulted in the FT-MOEA algorithm (Chapter 2), focusing on three optimisation metrics, including FT size and accuracy-related metrics. FT-MOEA consistently produced compact FT structures, but faced scalability issues. To address this, we developed the SymLearn toolchain (Chapter 3), which uses a ‘divide-and-conquer’ approach by identifying modules and symmetries in the failure dataset, breaking the inference problem into smaller tasks. Additionally, to improve robustness and scalability, the FT-MOEA-CM extension (Chapter 4) includes additional metrics from the confusion matrix. Our approaches in Part I of this dissertation contribute to automating FT model construction, revealing compact structures. These consistent structures can help uncover relationships between basic and intermediate events, providing valuable insights for asset managers to improve reliability modelling. Part II focuses on Markov Process-based Prognostics, specifically the stochastic deterioration modelling of sewer mains. Sewer systems are critical to social welfare but pose significant challenges due to their extensive scale, slow degradation, and limited capacity to monitor the entire network. Accurate modelling of the deterioration profile is crucial for optimising inspections and maintenance, thereby enhancing the reliability and availability of the networks. Various deterioration models are discussed in the literature, ranging from physics-based to data-driven approaches, each with distinct advantages and limitations. In Part II of this dissertation, we address how and to what extent it is possible to accurately model Multi-State Deterioration with applications in sewer mains. For this, we focus on Markov chains, widely used to model stochastic sequences through states and transitions. Since the 1990s, they have been applied to represent damage severity levels in sewer mains using inspection data from Closed Circuit Television cameras. Nonetheless, further evaluation of their assumptions and properties is required. We present a case study of a Dutch sewer network (Chapter 5), starting with Discrete-Time Markov Chains for deterioration modelling and examining two Markov chain structures. Given challenges such as interval-censored data, advanced analysis was necessary. In Chapter 6, we use the Turnbull estimator for non-parametric analysis to establish a ground truth. Although both homogeneous and inhomogeneous-time Markov chains are employed for sewer mains deterioration, no prior studies have compared their performance on the same dataset. Chapter 6 addresses this by demonstrating that inhomogeneous-time Markov chains are more versatile at capturing non-linear stochastic behaviour, while also highlighting issues like overfitting that reduce predictive accuracy. Part II provides a real-world case study, emphasising the need to critically evaluate modelling assumptions to enhance deterioration modelling of sewer mains using Markov chains. Finally, Part III focuses on Maintenance Optimisation of sewer mains, where obtaining optimal maintenance policies for such large-scale systems is a complex task. This complexity arises, among others, from the system’s scale and simplifications in the deterioration model. Among the various techniques available, Reinforcement Learning (RL) approaches remain largely unexplored for devising strategic main- tenance actions in sewer mains. Thus, in Part III of this dissertation, we focus on how to devise optimal maintenance strategies for components with Multi-State Deterioration such as sewer mains using Deep Reinforcement Learning.In Chapter 7, we frame the sequential decision-making problem using Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) for component-level maintenance of sewer mains. This framework considers damage severity levels, testing different deterioration model assumptions and evaluating their impact on maintenance policy. Our results show that agent-based policies outperformed heuristics by learning optimal sequences of maintenance actions. Part III provides evidence that DRL-based techniques o!er a flexible framework with the potential to improve heuristics and support maintenance decision-making for sewer mains. However, training these models to achieve the desired behaviour remains a challenging task. |
2024 |
60. | Sabari Nathan Anbalagan: SPECTRUM: Towards Self-aware Industrial IoT Systems. 2024, ISBN: 978-90-365-6335-2. (Type: PhD Thesis | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Artificial Intelligence, Fourth Industrial Revolution, Internet of Things, Wireless Communication)@phdthesis{Anbalagan2024, The Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) has sparked remarkable technological advancements, particularly in integrating the Internet of Things (IoT) into manufacturing industries, known as the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). This integration holds potential for revolutionizing industrial processes and boosting human progress through advanced applications within factory settings. However, the diverse Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of 4IR applications, including data rate, latency, reliability, power efficiency, scalability, and mobility, present significant challenges. The IIoT network must support these diverse requirements while operating in harsh and dynamic industrial indoor environments characterized by metallic infrastructure, thick concrete pillars, and complex pipe networks. Additionally, environmental fluctuations like temperature and humidity, process dynamics such as spinning and smelting, and the mobility of operators and indoor vehicles contribute to the dynamic nature of these environments. Achieving the diverse QoS requirements in such challenging conditions necessitates intelligent and versatile solutions. The latest telecommunications standard, 5G, holds promise as a solution to these challenges. This thesis addresses these challenges by focusing on the optimization of industrial use cases for 5G-based IIoT systems. It begins with an exploration of the significance and applications of 4IR in manufacturing industries, identifying the potential of 5G technology augmented by varying levels of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to meet the diverse demands of IIoT networks. The problem statement emphasizes the necessity for intelligent methodologies that adapt to the dynamic nature of industrial environments while supporting a wide range of industrial applications. The thesis proposes a multifaceted approach to tackle these challenges, incorporating varying levels of context awareness within IIoT systems. Chapters delve into the evolution of IIoT systems, presenting a framework for assessing system maturity and providing practical guidance for implementation. The development of heuristics-based, coarse-grained, and fine-grained Channel Quality Prediction (CQP) techniques is explored, offering insights into optimizing wireless communication parameters for diverse 5G use cases. Simulations and analyses demonstrate the efficacy of these methodologies in enhancing throughput, resource utilization, and power efficiency across various industrial scenarios. In conclusion, this thesis contributes to the advancement of wireless communication optimization in industrial settings, offering practical solutions and insights for realizing the potential of 4IR initiatives. By addressing a spectrum of challenges, requirements and use case scenarios, the research offers insights for future 5G and 6G releases. |
59. | Ragnar Hans Eggertsson: Advances in Asset Management: Maintenance Optimization under Incomplete Information and Sustainable Technology Selection. 2024, ISBN: 978-90-386-6159-9. (Type: PhD Thesis | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Inspection optimization, Maintenance optimization, Technology Selection)@phdthesis{nokey, |
58. | Bram Ton: Point taken: Translating the physical rail domain to cyber space using point clouds from mobile laser scanning. 2024, ISBN: 978-90-365-6199-0. (Type: PhD Thesis | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: LiDAR, Point Cloud, Railway)@phdthesis{nokey, There is an active interest to digitise the rail infrastructure, because it is expected that the coming years rail transport will be an important key factor to combat climate change. Compared to other means of transport, such as air or road transportation, rail transport is viewed as being more environment-friendly. With the envisioned increase of passenger and freight rail traffic in the near future, there will be an increased burden on the railway infrastructure. To ensure continued reliability, availability, maintainability and safety of the railway network in an efficient way, it is vital to have an accurate and up-to-date digital representation of the railway environment. Often such a digital representation is also referred to as an `as-is' model or representation because it reflects the current state. These as-is representations can be used for various tasks, such as planning work, monitoring the infrastructural health, automated inventory assessment, robotised construction, and eventually predictive maintenance. Automated creation of these as-is models is challenging because railway environments pose a complex scene structure and span several thousands of kilometres. Scenes contain discrete objects, such as signals, catenary arches, and relay cabinets on the one hand. On the other hand there are continuous objects, such as overhead catenary wires and rail tracks. Adding to the complexity, is the fact that the number of distinct objects around the track is large. Especially for countries with a dense rail network and a long history of rail transportation such as the Netherlands. These factors, combined with the large intra-class variance, make the digitalisation of the rail environment a challenging task. To accomplish the task of digitising the rail environment, point cloud data is considered a viable data format. Point clouds are captured using Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) technology. This is done through laser scanning, which operates by emitting a usually non-visible laser light pulse and measuring its time-of-flight. This time is directly proportional to the distance of the object. This distance, combined with the known angles of direction of the laser are used to calculate the 3D position of the reflection occurrence relative to the sensor. Point clouds are able to capture the geometric surface structure of a scene with high accuracy, under varying illumination conditions, and produces an immediate representation. This thesis focuses on digitising the rail environment using point cloud data. It takes a top-down approach, first objects are detected within the point cloud data with a low level of detail. Thereafter this thesis focuses on dissecting these large objects into smaller semantic meaningful pieces, providing a higher level of detail. These two steps conclude the translation from the physical world to cyber space. To complete the cycle, going from cyber space to the physical world again, this thesis also focuses on how information from cyber space can be visualised in an intuitive, immersive way using a head mounted display. The thesis starts by looking at how large objects can be detected at large scale from point cloud data. To do so, existing models which have been successful in the domain of autonomous driving vehicles are evaluated for this task. A key insight from this evaluation is that the absolute positional accuracy required for `as-is' models cannot be obtained from these existing models. Another insight is that models do not generalise well to new scenarios, and that to combat this issue, transfer learning is very suitable to train new models using fewer labels. To further scrutinise these large objects and thereby increase the level of detail of the digitisation process, semantic segmentation can be used. Semantic segmentation assigns a class to each point within the point cloud. This decomposition can then for instance be used to retrieve CAD models from a CAD library to create an accurate digital representation. This thesis looks at the semantic segmentation of catenary arches which are captured at high resolution. Catenary arches are decomposed into fourteen distinct classes and labelled accordingly. An overall mIoU of 71% was accomplished for this task. Object detection and semantic segmentation conclude the process of translating the physical world to cyberspace. Once a representation is available in cyberspace, a wide range of applications become available. For instance, planning maintenance, robotised construction, predictive maintenance, and computerised clearance inspections. To complete the cycle, and go from cyberspace to the physical world again, this thesis explores immersive visualisation of point cloud data. A proof-of-concept for this immersive visualisation is presented in this thesis. It is based on a head-mounted display and enables the user to interact with the point cloud using hand gestures and voice commands. To conclude, this thesis has explored the digitisation of the rail environment using point cloud data. It provides valuable insights and pointers to move this relatively new research area to the next level. One promising research direction to highlight is the use of self-supervised learning (SSL). By using SSL, models can learn some `common sense' about the data without external labels. This alleviates the expensive, and tedious task of labelling large amounts of data. |
57. | Henk Akkermans; Rob Basten; Quan Zhu; Luk Van Wassenhove: Transition paths for condition-based maintenance-driven smart services. In: Journal of Operations Management, vol. n/a, no. n/a, 2024. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Maintenance optimization, smart services)@article{, Abstract This research investigates growth inhibitors for smart services driven by condition-based maintenance (CBM). Despite the fast rise of Industry 4.0 technologies, such as smart sensoring, internet of things, and machine learning (ML), smart services have failed to keep pace. Combined, these technologies enable CBM to achieve the lean goal of high reliability and low waste for industrial equipment. Equipment located at customers throughout the world can be monitored and maintained by manufacturers and service providers, but so far industry uptake has been slow. The contributions of this study are twofold. First, it uncovers industry settings that impede the use of equipment failure data needed to train ML algorithms to predict failures and use these predictions to trigger maintenance. These empirical settings, drawn from four global machine equipment manufacturers, include either under- or over-maintenance (i.e., either too much or too little periodic maintenance). Second, formal analysis of a system dynamics model based on these empirical settings reveals a sweet spot of industry settings in which such inhibitors are absent. Companies that fall outside this sweet spot need to follow specific transition paths to reach it. This research discusses these paths, from both a research and practice perspective. |
56. | Thom S. Badings; Matthias Volk; Sebastian Junges; Mariëlle Stoelinga; Nils Jansen: CTMCs with Imprecisely Timed Observations. In: TACAS 2024, 2024. (Type: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Model checking, Robustness)@inproceedings{Badings2024TACAS, |
55. | Sabari Nathan Anbalagan; Melissa Schwarz; Rob Bemthuis; Paul Havinga: Assessing Factory's Industry 4.0 Readiness: A Practical Method for IIoT Sensor and Network Analysis. In: Procedia Computer Science, vol. 232, pp. 2730–2739, 2024. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Internet of Things, Sensors)@article{ANBALAGAN20242730, Manufacturing industries are aware of the benefits of Industry 4.0 (I4.0) and the pivotal role of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) to facilitate the transition. However, they often underestimate the intricate connection between the implementation of IIoT and their existing sensing and communication systems. Hindering their progress towards I4.0 implementation, many factories still rely on rigid sensing systems, characterized by limited adaptability and inflexibility. This raises questions regarding the industrial readiness for I4.0 implementation and its ability to meet the sensing and connectivity standards of IIoT. Specifically, it is unclear whether the current brownfield installations, consisting of sensors and networking systems, adequately support the demanding I4.0 applications that necessitate a multi-functional and collaborative IIoT system. Our objective is to assess a factory's progress towards I4.0 by examining the readiness of its sensing system and the communication capabilities of its network. We propose a two-stage analysis of factory readiness, including a functional segment-based sensor analysis and an application class-based network analysis. We present a case study conducted at an iron-making plant in The Netherlands to illustrate our method. Key findings of the case study include: (1) a lack of multi-functionality across segments for the majority of sensors (90%), (2) a considerable portion of network traffic (73%) requires high reliability, and (3) only 3% of the current network traffic necessitate ultra-reliable, low latency communication. Furthermore, we discuss how our method provides decision-makers with valuable guidance for the digital transformation of established and newly built manufacturing industries. |
54. | Eyuel Debebe Ayele; Stylianos Gavriel; Javier Ferreira Gonzalez; Wouter B. Teeuw; Panayiotis Philimis; Ghayoor Gillani: Emerging Industrial Internet of Things Open-Source Platforms and Applications in Diverse Sectors. In: Telecom, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 369–399, 2024, ISSN: 2673-4001. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Internet of Things)@article{telecom5020019, |
53. | Thom S. Badings; Licio Romao; Alessandro Abate; Nils Jansen: A Stability-Based Abstraction Framework for Reach-Avoid Control of Stochastic Dynamical Systems with Unknown Noise Distributions. In: CoRR, vol. abs/2404.01726, 2024. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Decision-making under uncertainty, Model checking)@article{DBLP:journals/corr/abs-2404-01726, Finite-state abstractions are widely studied for the automated synthesis of correct-by-construction controllers for stochastic dynamical systems. However, existing abstraction methods often lead to prohibitively large finite-state models. To address this issue, we propose a novel abstraction scheme for stochastic linear systems that exploits the system's stability to obtain significantly smaller abstract models. As a unique feature, we first stabilize the open-loop dynamics using a linear feedback gain. We then use a model-based approach to abstract a known part of the stabilized dynamics while using a data-driven method to account for the stochastic uncertainty. We formalize abstractions as Markov decision processes (MDPs) with intervals of transition probabilities. By stabilizing the dynamics, we can further constrain the control input modeled in the abstraction, which leads to smaller abstract models while retaining the correctness of controllers. Moreover, when the stabilizing feedback controller is aligned with the property of interest, then a good trade-off is achieved between the reduction in the abstraction size and the performance loss. The experiments show that our approach can reduce the size of the graph of abstractions by up to 90% with negligible performance loss. |
52. | L. A. Jimenez-Roa; T. D. Simão; Z. Bukhsh; T. Tinga; H. Molegraaf; N. Jansen; M. Stoelinga: Maintenance Strategies for Sewer Pipes with Multi-State Deterioration and Deep Reinforcement Learning. In: 8th European Conference of the Prognostics and Health Management Society 2024, PHME24, 2024. (Type: Proceedings Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: )@inproceedings{jimenez2024maintenance, Large-scale infrastructure systems are crucial for societal welfare, and their effective management requires strategic forecasting and intervention methods that account for various complexities. Our study addresses two challenges within the Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) framework applied to sewer assets: modeling pipe degradation across severity levels and developing effective maintenance policies. We employ Multi-State Degradation Models (MSDM) to represent the stochastic degradation process in sewer pipes and use Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) to devise maintenance strategies. A case study of a Dutch sewer network exemplifies our methodology. Our findings demonstrate the model's effectiveness in generating intelligent, cost-saving maintenance strategies that surpass heuristics. It adapts its management strategy based on the pipe's age, opting for a passive approach for newer pipes and transitioning to active strategies for older ones to prevent failures and reduce costs. This research highlights DRL's potential in optimizing maintenance policies. Future research will aim improve the model by incorporating partial observability, exploring various reinforcement learning algorithms, and extending this methodology to comprehensive infrastructure management. |
51. | L. A. Jimenez-Roa; N. Rusnac; M. Volk; M. Stoelinga: Fault Tree inference using Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms and Confusion Matrix-based metrics. In: Formal Methods for Industrial Critical Systems (FMICS), Springer, 2024. (Type: Proceedings Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: )@inproceedings{jimenez2024fault, In the domain of reliability engineering and risk assessment, the development of fault tree (FT) models is pivotal for decision-making in complex systems. Traditional FT model development, relying on manual efforts and expert collaboration, is both time-consuming and error-prone. The era of Industry 4.0 introduces capabilities for automatically deriving FTs from inspection and monitoring data. This paper presents FT-MOEA-CM, an extension of the FT-MOEA algorithm for inferring FT models from failure data using multi-objective optimization. FT-MOEA-CM enhances its predecessor by integrating confusion matrix-derived metrics and incorporating parallelization and caching mechanisms. Our evaluation on six FTs from diverse application areas showcases that FT-MOEA-CM exhibits (1) enhanced robustness, (2) faster convergence and (3) better scalability than FT-MOEA, suggesting its potential in efficiently inferring larger FT models. |
50. | L. A. Jimenez-Roa; T. Heskes; T. Tinga; M. Stoelinga: Comparing Homogeneous and Inhomogeneous Time Markov Chains for Modeling Deterioration in Sewer Pipe Networks. In: 34th European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2024: Advances in Reliability, Safety and Security, 2024. (Type: Proceedings Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: )@inproceedings{jimenez2024comparing, Sewer pipe systems are essential for social and economic welfare. Managing these systems requires robust predictive models for degradation behaviour. This study focuses on probability-based approaches, particularly Markov chains, for their ability to associate random variables with degradation. Literature predominantly uses homogeneous and inhomogeneous Markov chains for this purpose. However, their effectiveness in sewer pipe degradation modelling is still debatable. Some studies support homogeneous Markov chains, while others challenge their utility. We examine this issue using a large-scale sewer network in the Netherlands, incorporating historical inspection data. We model degradation with homogeneous discrete and continuous time Markov chains, and inhomogeneous-time Markov chains using Gompertz, Weibull, Log-Logistic and Log-Normal density functions. Our analysis suggests that, despite their higher computational requirements, inhomogeneous-time Markov chains are more appropriate for modelling the nonlinear stochastic characteristics related to sewer pipe degradation, particularly the Gompertz distribution. However, they pose a risk of over-fitting, necessitating significant improvements in parameter inference processes to effectively address this issue. |
49. | R. Stribos; R. Bouman; L. A. Jimenez-Roa; M. Slot; Mariëlle Stoelinga: A Comparison of Anomaly Detection Algorithms with Applications on Recoater Streaking in an Additive Manufacturing Process. In: Rapid Prototyping Journal, 2024, (Submitted). (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: )@article{stribo2024comparison, Purpose Powder bed additive manufacturing has recently seen substantial growth, yet consistently producing high-quality parts remains challenging. Recoating streaking is a common anomaly that impairs print quality. Several data-driven models for automatically detecting this anomaly have been proposed, each with varying effectiveness. However, comprehensive comparisons among them are lacking. Additionally, these models are often tailored to specific data sets. This research addresses this gap by implementing and comparing these anomaly detection models for recoating streaking in a reproducible way. This study aims to offer a clearer, more objective evaluation of their performance, strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore, this study proposes an improvement to the Line Profiles detection model to broaden its applicability, and a novel preprocessing step was introduced to enhance the models’ performances. Design/methodology/approach All found anomaly detection models have been implemented along with several preprocessing steps. Additionally, a new universal benchmarking data set has been constructed. Finally, all implemented models have been evaluated on this benchmarking data set and the effect of the different preprocessing steps was studied. Findings This comparison shows that the improved Line Profiles model established it as the most efficient detection approach in this study’s benchmark data set. Furthermore, while most state-of-the-art neural networks perform very well off the shelf, this comparison shows that specialised detection models outperform all others with the correct preprocessing. Originality/value This comparison gives new insights into different recoater streaking (RCS) detection models, showcasing each one with its strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore, the improved Line Profiles model delivers compelling performance in detecting RCS. |
48. | Sabari Nathan Anbalagan; Alessandro Chiumento; Paul Havinga: Fine Grained vs Coarse Grained Channel Quality Prediction: A 5G-RedCap Perspective for Industrial IoT Networks. In: 20th IEEE International Conference on Factory Communication Systems (WFCS 2024), 2024. (Type: Proceedings Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Internet of Things, Sensors)@inproceedings{nokey, The article evaluates the effectiveness of coarsegrained channel quality prediction (CQP) for 5G-RedCap/5G NR-Light devices within industrial IoT (IIoT) networks. Finegrained predictions refine real-time communication, enhancing throughput and reducing resource utilization (RU), albeit with increased computation complexity. In contrast, coarse-grained CQP offers low computational overhead while optimizing longterm network characteristics, such as redundancy planning. Our study investigates the potential applications of coarsegrained CQP in real-time communication within the IIoT context, aiming to enhance the efficiency of simple devices (5G-RedCap) without adding the computational overhead. The varying traffic profiles and quality of service levels across diverse 5G use cases, including massive Machine Type Communication (mMTC), enhanced Mobile Broadband (eMBB), and Ultra-Reliable and Low Latency Communication (URLLC), present different challenges. For mMTC devices, coarse-grained CQP demonstrates comparable RU gains to fine-grained CQP (with up to a 50% reduction in RU), showcasing its effectiveness without added complexity. However, in the eMBB scenario, where throughput is paramount, it yields only marginal improvements. Similarly, RU gains for URLLC devices are negligible due to their stricter QoS requirements. The effectiveness of coarse-grained CQP is intricately linked to the variability in experienced channel quality across different scenarios within an indoor IIoT network. This research underscores the potential of AI applications for enhancing the performance of simple 5G-RedCap/5G NR-Light devices without compromising device complexity. |
2023 |
47. | Zhao Kang; Ahmadreza Marandi; Rob J. I. Basten; Ton De Kok: Robust Spare Parts Inventory Management. In: Management Science (submitted), vol. 15, 2023. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Maintenance optimization, Robustness)@article{Kang2023RobustManagement, |
46. | Nubia Nale Alves da Silveira; Annemieke A. Meghoe; Tiedo Tinga: Integration of multiple failure mechanisms in a life assessment method for centrifugal pump impellers. In: Advances in mechanical engineering, vol. 15, no. 6, 2023, ISSN: 1687-8132. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Failure mechanisms, Prognostics)@article{Silveria2023AME, |
45. | Rob Basten Ragnar Eggertsson; Geert-Jan Houtum: Maintenance optimization for capital goods when information is incomplete and environment-dependent. In: IISE Transactions, vol. 0, no. 0, pp. 1-16, 2023. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Maintenance optimization)@article{doi:10.1080/24725854.2023.2257245, |
44. | Reza Soltani; Matthias Volk; Leonardo Diamonte; Milan Lopuhaä-Zwakenberg; Mariëlle Stoelinga: Optimal Spare Management via Statistical Model Checking: A Case Study in Research Reactors. In: FMICS, pp. 205–223, Springer, 2023. (Type: Proceedings Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Maintenance optimization, Spare part management)@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/fmics/SoltaniVDLS23, Systematic spare management is important to optimize the twin goals of high reliability and low costs. However, existing approaches to spare management do not incorporate a detailed analysis of the effect on the absence of spares on the system’s reliability. In this work, we combine fault tree analysis with statistical model checking to model spare part management as a stochastic priced timed game automaton (SPTGA). We use Uppaal Stratego to find the number of spares that minimizes the total costs due to downtime and spare purchasing; the resulting SPTGA model can then additionally be analyzed according to other metrics like expected availability. We apply these techniques to the emergency shutdown system of a research nuclear reactor. Our methods find the optimal spare management for a subsystem in a matter of minutes, minimizing cost while ensuring an expected availability of 99.96%. |
43. | Natália Ribeiro Marinho; Richard Loendersloot; Tiedo Tinga; Frank Grooteman; Jan Willem Wiegman: A Comparison of Optical Sensing Systems with Piezo-Electric Sensors for Impact Identification of Composite Plates. In: 14th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, IWSHM 2023, pp. 1127–1133, DEStech Publications, Inc 2023. (Type: Proceedings Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Sensors)@inproceedings{marinho2023comparison, This paper proposes using Fibre Bragg Grating (FBG) and piezoelectric (PZT) sensors for impact identification. The main objective is to evaluate the ability of the state-ofthe- art sensors to estimate the impact energy, using the results of the PZTs as a reference. This approach allows a fair comparison and overcomes the inherent variability of different test runs of the same measurement. The comparison of sensor technologies consists of evaluating sensitivity to features for impact energy estimation, signal strength, repeatability, directivity, and signal correlation. Small-mass impacts were applied to a square composite plate at different locations and energies. The energy was kept low enough to avoid damaging the panel. The PZT and FGB sensors were placed at the same locations but on either side of the panel to compare signals evenly. The results showed that the energy from the measured response reflects the impact energy level. Moreover, FBGs and PZTs had comparable responses and an apparent similarity in time response, besides consistency in the frequency domain. The higher sampling rate for the PZTs allows for the analysis of higher frequency bands, compared to FBGs, showing relevant amplitudes above 10kHz. Future work will focus on developing and validating a force reconstruction algorithm and defining the optimal sensor configuration. |
42. | Matthias Volk; Muzammil Ibne Irshad; Joost-Pieter Katoen; Falak Sher; Mariëlle Stoelinga; Ahmad Zafar: SAFEST: the static and dynamic fault tree analysis tool. In: ESREL, pp. 193–200, Research Publishing, 2023. (Type: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Fault tree analysis)@inproceedings{ESREL_SAFEST, |
41. | Wouter Bos; Matthias Volk; Mariëlle Stoelinga; Marc Bouissou; Pavel Krčál: From Fault Trees to Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams. In: ESREL, pp. 1234–1235, Research Publishing, 2023. (Type: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Fault tree analysis)@inproceedings{ESREL_PID, |
40. | Thom S. Badings; Sebastian Junges; Ahmadreza Marandi; Ufuk Topcu; Nils Jansen: Efficient Sensitivity Analysis for Parametric Robust Markov Chains. In: CAV (3), pp. 62–85, Springer, 2023. (Type: Proceedings Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Decision-making under uncertainty, Model learning)@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/cav/BadingsJMTJ23, We provide a novel method for sensitivity analysis of parametric robust Markov chains. These models incorporate parameters and sets of probability distributions to alleviate the often unrealistic assumption that precise probabilities are available. We measure sensitivity in terms of partial derivatives with respect to the uncertain transition probabilities regarding measures such as the expected reward. As our main contribution, we present an efficient method to compute these partial derivatives. To scale our approach to models with thousands of parameters, we present an extension of this method that selects the subset of k parameters with the highest partial derivative. Our methods are based on linear programming and differentiating these programs around a given value for the parameters. The experiments show the applicability of our approach on models with over a million states and thousands of parameters. Moreover, we embed the results within an iterative learning scheme that profits from having access to a dedicated sensitivity analysis. |
39. | Alberto Castellini; Federico Bianchi; Edoardo Zorzi; Thiago D. Simão; Alessandro Farinelli; Matthijs T. J. Spaan: Scalable Safe Policy Improvement via Monte Carlo Tree Search. In: ICML, pp. 3732–3756, 2023. (Type: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Machine learning)@inproceedings{Castellini2023, |
38. | Dennis Gross; Thiago D. Simão; Nils Jansen; Guillermo A. Pérez: Targeted Adversarial Attacks on Deep Reinforcement Learning Policies via Model Checking. In: ICAART, pp. 501–508, 2023. (Type: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Machine learning, Model checking)@inproceedings{Gross2023targeted, |
37. | Wietze Koops; Nils Jansen; Sebastian Junges; Thiago D. Simão: Recursive Small-Step Multi-Agent A* for Dec-POMDPs. In: IJCAI, pp. 5402–5410, 2023. (Type: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Decision-making under uncertainty)@inproceedings{Koops2023recursive, |
36. | Patrick Wienhöft; Marnix Suilen; Thiago D. Simão; Clemens Dubslaff; Christel Baier; Nils Jansen: More for Less: Safe Policy Improvement with Stronger Performance Guarantees. In: IJCAI, pp. 4406–4415, 2023. (Type: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Decision-making under uncertainty, Machine learning)@inproceedings{Wienhoft2023more, |
35. | Qisong Yang; Thiago D. Simão; Nils Jansen; Simon H. Tindemans; Matthijs T. J. Spaan: Reinforcement Learning by Guided Safe Exploration. In: ECAI, 2023. (Type: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Decision-making under uncertainty, Machine learning)@inproceedings{Yang2023reinforcement, |
34. | Bram Ton; Faizan Ahmed; Jeroen Linssen: Semantic Segmentation of Terrestrial Laser Scans of Railway Catenary Arches: A Use Case Perspective. In: Sensors, vol. 23, no. 1, 2023, ISSN: 1424-8220. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Sensors)@article{Ton2023Sensors, Having access to accurate and recent digital twins of infrastructure assets benefits the renovation, maintenance, condition monitoring, and construction planning of infrastructural projects. There are many cases where such a digital twin does not yet exist, such as for legacy structures. In order to create such a digital twin, a mobile laser scanner can be used to capture the geometric representation of the structure. With the aid of semantic segmentation, the scene can be decomposed into different object classes. This decomposition can then be used to retrieve cad models from a cad library to create an accurate digital twin. This study explores three deep-learning-based models for semantic segmentation of point clouds in a practical real-world setting: PointNet++, SuperPoint Graph, and Point Transformer. This study focuses on the use case of catenary arches of the Dutch railway system in collaboration with Strukton Rail, a major contractor for rail projects. A challenging, varied, high-resolution, and annotated dataset for evaluating point cloud segmentation models in railway settings is presented. The dataset contains 14 individually labelled classes and is the first of its kind to be made publicly available. A modified PointNet++ model achieved the best mean class Intersection over Union (IoU) of 71% for the semantic segmentation task on this new, diverse, and challenging dataset. |
33. | Luke Rickard; Thom S. Badings; Licio Romao; Nils Jansen; Alessandro Abate: Formal Controller Synthesis for Markov Jump Linear Systems with Uncertain Dynamics. In: QEST, 2023. (Type: Proceedings Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Decision-making under uncertainty, Robustness)@inproceedings{Rickard2023QEST, Automated synthesis of provably correct controllers for cyber-physical systems is crucial for deployment in safety-critical scenarios. However, hybrid features and stochastic or unknown behaviours make this problem challenging. We propose a method for synthesising controllers for Markov jump linear systems (MJLSs), a class of discrete-time models for cyber-physical systems, so that they certifiably satisfy probabilistic computation tree logic (PCTL) formulae. An MJLS consists of a finite set of stochastic linear dynamics and discrete jumps between these dynamics that are governed by a Markov decision process (MDP). We consider the cases where the transition probabilities of this MDP are either known up to an interval or completely unknown. Our approach is based on a finite-state abstraction that captures both the discrete (mode-jumping) and continuous (stochastic linear) behaviour of the MJLS. We formalise this abstraction as an interval MDP (iMDP) for which we compute intervals of transition probabilities using sampling techniques from the so-called ‘scenario approach’, resulting in a probabilistically sound approximation. We apply our method to multiple realistic benchmark problems, in particular, a temperature control and an aerial vehicle delivery problem. |
32. | Zaharah Allah Bukhsh; Hajo Molegraaf; Nils Jansen: A Maintenance Planning Framework using Online and Offline Deep Reinforcement Learning. In: Neural Computing and Applications, 2023. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Machine learning)@article{Bukshh2023maintenance, Cost-effective asset management is an area of interest across several industries. Specifically, this paper develops a deep reinforcement learning (DRL) solution to automatically determine an optimal rehabilitation policy for continuously deteriorating water pipes. We approach the problem of rehabilitation planning in an online and offline DRL setting. In online DRL, the agent interacts with a simulated environment of multiple pipes with distinct lengths, materials, and failure rate characteristics. We train the agent using deep Q-learning (DQN) to learn an optimal policy with minimal average costs and reduced failure probability. In offline learning, the agent uses static data, e.g., DQN replay data, to learn an optimal policy via a conservative Q-learning algorithm without further interactions with the environment. We demonstrate that DRL-based policies improve over standard preventive, corrective, and greedy planning alternatives. Additionally, learning from the fixed DQN replay dataset in an offline setting further improves the performance. The results warrant that the existing deterioration profiles of water pipes consisting of large and diverse states and action trajectories provide a valuable avenue to learn rehabilitation policies in the offline setting, which can be further fine-tuned using the simulator. |
31. | Cevahir Koprulu; Thiago D. Simão; Nils Jansen; Ufuk Topcu: Risk-aware Curriculum Generation for Heavy-tailed Task Distributions. In: UAI, pp. 1132–1142, 2023. (Type: Proceedings Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Machine learning)@inproceedings{Koprulu2023, Automated curriculum generation for reinforcement learning (RL) aims to speed up learning by designing a sequence of tasks of increasing difficulty. Such tasks are usually drawn from probability distributions with exponentially bounded tails, such as uniform or Gaussian distributions. However, existing approaches overlook heavy-tailed distributions. Under such distributions, current methods may fail to learn optimal policies in rare and risky tasks, which fall under the tails and yield the lowest returns, respectively. We address this challenge by proposing a risk-aware curriculum generation algorithm that simultaneously creates two curricula: 1) a primary curriculum that aims to maximize the expected discounted return with respect to a distribution over target tasks, and 2) an auxiliary curriculum that identifies and over-samples rare and risky tasks observed in the primary curriculum. Our empirical results evidence that the proposed algorithm achieves significantly higher returns in frequent as well as rare tasks compared to the state-of-the-art methods. |
30. | Merlijn Krale; Thiago D. Simão; Nils Jansen: Act-Then-Measure: Reinforcement Learning for Partially Observable Environments with Active Measuring. In: ICAPS, pp. 212-220, 2023. (Type: Proceedings Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Decision-making under uncertainty, Machine learning)@inproceedings{Krale2023act, We study Markov decision processes (MDPs), where agents control when and how they gather information, as formalized by action-contingent noiselessly observable MDPs (ACNO-MPDs). In these models, actions have two components: a control action that influences how the environment changes and a measurement action that affects the agent's observation. To solve ACNO-MDPs, we introduce the act-then-measure (ATM) heuristic, which assumes that we can ignore future state uncertainty when choosing control actions. To decide whether or not to measure, we introduce the concept of measuring value. We show how following this heuristic may lead to shorter policy computation times and prove a bound on the performance loss it incurs. We develop a reinforcement learning algorithm based on the ATM heuristic, using a Dyna-Q variant adapted for partially observable domains, and showcase its superior performance compared to prior methods on a number of partially-observable environments. |
29. | Thom Badings; Thiago D. Simão; Marnix Suilen; Nils Jansen: Decision-making under uncertainty: beyond probabilities. Challenges and Perspectives. In: STTT, 2023. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Decision-making under uncertainty, Machine learning, Robustness)@article{Badings2023Decision, This position paper reflects on the state-of-the-art in decision-making under uncertainty. A classical assumption is that probabilities can sufficiently capture all uncertainty in a system. In this paper, the focus is on the uncertainty that goes beyond this classical interpretation, particularly by employing a clear distinction between aleatoric and epistemic uncertainty. The paper features an overview of Markov decision processes (MDPs) and extensions to account for partial observability and adversarial behavior. These models sufficiently capture aleatoric uncertainty, but fail to account for epistemic uncertainty robustly. Consequently, we present a thorough overview of so-called uncertainty models that exhibit uncertainty in a more robust interpretation. We show several solution techniques for both discrete and continuous models, ranging from formal verification, over control-based abstractions, to reinforcement learning. As an integral part of this paper, we list and discuss several key challenges that arise when dealing with rich types of uncertainty in a model-based fashion. |
28. | Yannick Hogewind; Thiago D. Simão; Tal Kachman; Nils Jansen: Safe Reinforcement Learning From Pixels Using a Stochastic Latent Representation. In: ICLR, 2023. (Type: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Decision-making under uncertainty, Machine learning)@inproceedings{Hogewind2023safe, |
27. | Thom Badings; Licio Romao; Alessandro Abate; David Parker; Hasan A. Poonawala; Marielle Stoelinga; Nils Jansen: Robust Control for Dynamical Systems with Non-Gaussian Noise via Formal Abstractions. In: Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research (to appear), pp. 1–29, 2023. (Type: Journal Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Decision-making under uncertainty, Machine learning, Robustness)@article{Badings2023JAIR, Controllers for dynamical systems that operate in safety-critical settings must account for stochastic disturbances. Such disturbances are often modeled as process noise in a dynamical system, and common assumptions are that the underlying distributions are known and/or Gaussian. In practice, however, these assumptions may be unrealistic and can lead to poor approximations of the true noise distribution. We present a novel controller synthesis method that does not rely on any explicit representation of the noise distributions. In particular, we address the problem of computing a controller that provides probabilistic guarantees on safely reaching a target, while also avoiding unsafe regions of the state space. First, we abstract the continuous control system into a finite-state model that captures noise by probabilistic transitions between discrete states. As a key contribution, we adapt tools from the scenario approach to compute probably approximately correct (PAC) bounds on these transition probabilities, based on a finite number of samples of the noise. We capture these bounds in the transition probability intervals of a so-called interval Markov decision process (iMDP). This iMDP is, with a user-specified confidence probability, robust against uncertainty in the transition probabilities, and the tightness of the probability intervals can be controlled through the number of samples. We use state-of-the-art verification techniques to provide guarantees on the iMDP and compute a controller for which these guarantees carry over to the original control system. In addition, we develop a tailored computational scheme that reduces the complexity of the synthesis of these guarantees on the iMDP. Benchmarks on realistic control systems show the practical applicability of our method, even when the iMDP has hundreds of millions of transitions. |
26. | Thiago D. Simão; Marnix Suilen; Nils Jansen: Safe Policy Improvement for POMDPs via Finite-State Controllers. In: AAAI, 2023. (Type: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Machine learning)@inproceedings{Simao2023safe, |
25. | Steven Carr; Nils Jansen; Sebastian Junges; Ufuk Topcu: Safe Reinforcement Learning via Shielding for POMDPs. In: To be presented at AAAI 2023, 2023. (Type: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Decision-making under uncertainty, Machine learning)@inproceedings{DBLP:journals/corr/abs-2204-00755, |
24. | Thom S. Badings; Licio Romao; Alessandro Abate; Nils Jansen: Probabilities Are Not Enough: Formal Controller Synthesis for Stochastic Dynamical Models with Epistemic Uncertainty. In: AAAI, 2023. (Type: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Decision-making under uncertainty, Robustness)@inproceedings{DBLP:journals/corr/abs-2210-05989, |
23. | Bram Dekker; Bram Ton; Joanneke Meijer; Nacir Bouali; Jeroen Linssen; Faizan Ahmed: Point Cloud Analysis of Railway Infrastructure: A Systematic Literature Review. In: IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 134355-134373, 2023. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Sensors)@article{10328827, |
22. | Sabari Nathan Anbalagan; Paul JM Havinga; Alessandro Chiumento: VarOLLA: Maximizing Throughput for 5G-RedCap Devices in IIoT Networks. In: IEEE 9th World Forum on Internet of Things, IoT 2023, 2023. (Type: Proceedings Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Internet of Things)@inproceedings{anbalagan2023varolla, In this paper, we propose VarOLLA, a novel approach aimed at maximizing the throughput of 5G-RedCap devices in Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) environments. VarOLLA addresses the sub-optimal spectral efficiency of Outer Loop Link Adaptation (OLLA) by introducing a ‘Throughput Factor’ that incentivizes adaptive decision-making based on throughput considerations. Through extensive simulations, we demonstrate significant improvements in throughput, with gains of up to 35% compared to traditional OLLA techniques, particularly in scenarios with high channel outdatedness. Moreover, VarOLLA effectively reduces consecutive transmission failures (rBLER) and achieves substantial reductions in control message overhead, up to 87.5%. Our findings highlight the strong potential of VarOLLA in IIoT networks and its significant contribution to the realization of high-performance applications during the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) in the manufacturing sector. |
2022 |
21. | Luc Stefan Keizers; Richard Loendersloot; Tiedo Tinga: Atmospheric Corrosion Prognostics Using a Particle Filter. In: Proceedings of the 32nd European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL 2022), pp. 1259–1266, 2022. (Type: Proceedings Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Bayesian filters, Prognostics)@inproceedings{Keizers2022ESREL, Unexpected system failures are costly and preventing them is crucial to guarantee availability and reliability of complex assets. Prognostics help to increase the availability and reliability. However, existing methods have their limitations: physics-based methods have limited adaptivity to specific applications, while data-driven methods heavily rely on (scarcely available) historical data, which reduces their prognostic performance. Especially when operational conditions change over time, existing methods do not always perform well. As a solution, this paper proposes a new framework in which loads are explicitly incorporated in a prognostic method based on Bayesian filtering. This is accomplished by zooming in on the failure mechanism on the material level, thus establishing a quantitative relation between usage and degradation rates. This relation is updated using a Bayesian filter and measured loads, but also allows accurate degradation predictions by considering future (changing) loads. This enables decision support on either operational use or maintenance activities. The performance of the proposed load-controlled prognostic method is demonstrated in an atmospheric corrosion use case, based on a public real data set constructed from annual corrosion measurements on carbon steel specimens. The developed load-controlled particle filter (LCPF) is demonstrated to outperform a method based on a regular particle filter, a regression model and an ARIMA model for this specific scenario with changing operating conditions. The generalization of the framework is demonstrated by two additional conceptual case studies on crack propagation and seal wear. |
20. | Norman Weik; Matthias Volk; Joost-Pieter Katoen; Nils Nießen: DFT modeling approach for operational risk assessment of railway infrastructure. In: Int. J. Softw. Tools Technol. Transf., vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 331–350, 2022. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Fault tree analysis)@article{DBLP:journals/sttt/WeikVKN22, |
19. | Daniel Basgöze; Matthias Volk; Joost-Pieter Katoen; Shahid Khan; Mariëlle Stoelinga: BDDs Strike Back – Efficient Analysis of Static and Dynamic Fault Trees. In: NFM, pp. 713–732, Springer, 2022. (Type: Proceedings Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Decision tree, Fault tree analysis)@inproceedings{DBLP:conf/nfm/BasgozeVKKS22, |
18. | Bas Oudenhoven; Philippe Van Calseyde; Rob Basten; Evangelia Demerouti: Predictive maintenance for industry 5.0: behavioural inquiries from a work system perspective. In: International Journal of Production Research, vol. 0, no. 0, pp. 1-20, 2022. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Human decision-making, Organizational behavior)@article{Oudenhoven2022, |
17. | Qisong Yang; Thiago D. Simão; Simon H. Tindemans; Matthijs T. J. Spaan: Safety-constrained reinforcement learning with a distributional safety critic. In: Machine Learning, pp. 1–29, 2022. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Machine learning)@article{Yang2022safety-constrained, |
16. | Marnix Suilen; Thiago D. Simão; David Parker; Nils Jansen: Robust Anytime Learning of Markov Decision Processes. In: NeurIPS, 2022. (Type: Proceedings Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Decision-making under uncertainty, Machine learning)@inproceedings{DBLP:journals/corr/abs-2205-15827, Markov decision processes (MDPs) are formal models commonly used in sequential decision-making. MDPs capture the stochasticity that may arise, for instance, from imprecise actuators via probabilities in the transition function. However, in data-driven applications, deriving precise probabilities from (limited) data introduces statistical errors that may lead to unexpected or undesirable outcomes. Uncertain MDPs (uMDPs) do not require precise probabilities but instead use so-called uncertainty sets in the transitions, accounting for such limited data. Tools from the formal verification community efficiently compute robust policies that provably adhere to formal specifications, like safety constraints, under the worst-case instance in the uncertainty set. We continuously learn the transition probabilities of an MDP in a robust anytime-learning approach that combines a dedicated Bayesian inference scheme with the computation of robust policies. In particular, our method (1) approximates probabilities as intervals, (2) adapts to new data that may be inconsistent with an intermediate model, and (3) may be stopped at any time to compute a robust policy on the uMDP that faithfully captures the data so far. Furthermore, our method is capable of adapting to changes in the environment. We show the effectiveness of our approach and compare it to robust policies computed on uMDPs learned by the UCRL2 reinforcement learning algorithm in an experimental evaluation on several benchmarks. |
15. | Lisandro A. Jimenez-Roa; Tom Heskes; Tiedo Tinga; Mariëlle Stoelinga: Automatic inference of fault tree models via multi-objective evolutionary algorithms. In: IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, pp. 1-12, 2022. (Type: Journal Article | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Fault tree analysis, Machine learning)@article{9875105, |
14. | Lisandro Arturo Jimenez-Roa; Matthias Volk; Mariëlle Stoelinga: Data-Driven Inference of Fault Tree Models Exploiting Symmetry and Modularization. In: International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability, and Security, pp. 46–61, Springer 2022. (Type: Proceedings Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Fault tree analysis, Machine learning)@inproceedings{jimenez2022data, We present SymLearn, a method to automatically infer fault tree (FT) models from data. SymLearn takes as input failure data of the system components and exploits evolutionary algorithms to learn a compact FT matching the input data. SymLearn achieves scalability by leveraging two common phenomena in FTs: (i) We automatically identify symmetries in the failure data set, learning symmetric FT parts only once. (ii) We partition the input data into independent modules, subdividing the inference problem into smaller parts. We validate our approach via case studies, including several truss systems, which are symmetric structures commonly found in infrastructures, such as bridges. Our experiments show that, in most cases, the exploitation of modules and symmetries accelerates the FT inference from hours to under three minutes. |
13. | Lisandro A Jimenez-Roa; Tom Heskes; Tiedo Tinga; Hajo JA Molegraaf; Mariëlle Stoelinga: Deterioration modeling of sewer pipes via discrete-time Markov chains: A large-scale case study in the Netherlands. In: 32nd European Safety and Reliability Conference, ESREL 2022: Understanding and Managing Risk and Reliability for a Sustainable Future, pp. 1299–1306, 2022. (Type: Proceedings Article | Abstract | Links | BibTeX | Tags: Model learning, Prognostics)@inproceedings{jimenez2022deterioration, Sewer pipe network systems are an important part of civil infrastructure, and in order to find a good trade-off between maintenance costs and system performance, reliable sewer pipe degradation models are essential. In this paper, we present a large-scale case study in the city of Breda in the Netherlands. Our dataset has information on sewer pipes built since the 1920s and contains information on different covariates. We also have several types of damage, but we focus our attention on infiltrations, surface damage, and cracks. Each damage has an associated severity index ranging from 1 to 5. To account for the characteristics of sewer pipes, we defined 6 cohorts of interest. Two types of discrete-time Markov chains (DTMC), which we called Chain `Multi' and `Single' (where Chain `Multi' contains additional transitions compared to Chain `Single'), are commonly used to model sewer pipe degradation at the pipeline level, and we want to evaluate which suits better our case study. To calibrate the DTMCs, we define an optimization process using Sequential Least-Squares Programming to find the DTMC parameter that best minimizes the root mean weighted square error. Our results show that for our case study, there is no substantial difference between Chain `Multi' and `Single', but the latter has fewer parameters and can be easily trained. Our DTMCs are useful to compare the cohorts via the expected values, e.g., concrete pipes carrying mixed and waste content reach severe levels of surface damage more quickly compared to concrete pipes carrying rainwater, which is a phenomenon typically identified in practice. |