by Thom Badings

On this page, we provide concise fact sheets for a selection of the publications and student projects done in collaboration with PrimaVera partners. These fact sheets are short summaries that provide an accessible, high-level overview of the performed research. In case of any questions in response to one of the fact sheets, feel free to contact us.

Rolsch Assetmanagement
By Matthijs Berkhout (2024)
Royal Netherlands Aerospace Centre
By Paul Bezes (2023)
Royal Netherlands Navy
By Quinty Mooij (2023)
Koninklijke Marine, Eindhoven University of Technology
By Danny Brus (2022)
Koninklijke Marine, Eindhoven University of Technology
By Evie Hendriks (2021)
The Hague University of Applied Sciences
By Alieh Alipour (2021)