Predictive maintenance

Why and how?

by Prof. dr. ir. Tiedo Tinga
13th May 2020

About Tiedo Tinga

Tiedo Tinga is a professor in Life Cycle Management at the Netherlands Defence Academy (NLDA) and in Dynamics based Maintenance at the faculty of Engineering Technology of the University of Twente. He has a background in Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering. Before joining academia, he has been working as a scientist at the National Aerospace Laboratory NLR for almost 10 years. His research focuses on the detection and prediction of failures in systems, using combinations of the physics of failure, thorough understanding of the (dynamic) system behavior, advanced monitoring techniques and data analysis. All his research projects are in close collaboration with industrial partners.


In this webinar a general introduction to (predictive) maintenance will be given. First the basic motivation for maintenance will be presented and an overview of various maintenance policies will be given. Then the more advanced policies, based on condition monitoring and prognostics will be discussed in more detail. The various options (model-based, data-driven) will be shown and the current status and challenges will be sketched. Finally, some case studies from our research projects will be used to demonstrate the potential and limitations.

The slides are available here.